The Hebridean Tea Store – a speciality tea store in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
So much has happened since I started selling last year.
While I was out and about visiting markets and fairs the people asked me if the Hebridean Tea Store also has a real shop where they can buy loose teas. Then a small shop in town centre came up for lease and the shop moved to its first real shop premises.
I did not do it alone but had a lot of support from my friend Annie. She is with me in the shop, selling – what she calls – kitschenalia and vintage china.
It is a great mixture, all this beautiful and quirky stuff together with my teas.
Over the last months I have been very busy and there was a lot of work to be done. Finally, there are now a lot of tea varieties available at the shop: green, white, oolong, black, flavoured black tea, rooibos and honeybush, fruit, herbal, ajurvedic teas . Some teas also have a strong connection to the island. The Hebridean Tea Store is the first and so far only speciality tea store in all of the Western Isles. I am not 100% sure, but the shop could also be the only one of its kind in the whole of the west of Scotland. All of the loose teas you can buy here are from carefully selected estates. Of course you can also buy our loose tea online.
On top of that you can also get some beautiful state of the art china and accessories:
Most items we sell at the Hebridean Tea Store in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis are also available online in the shop.
You can find us here:
Hebridean Tea Store, 8 Church Street, Stornoway, Eilean Siar, HS1 2DH