Coffee versus Tea
I got you there, right? Good! Because I would be thrilled for you to know what I need to do to transform every morning to get back to my bright and cheery me 😉
The trick is giving me enough of what is known in my household as wakey-wakey-juice .
Confessions of a morning grump
I have a confession to make. I do not start my day with a cup of tea, absolutely not. I tried, several times, but it did not work. And there is a good reason for it. Rule number one: never talk to Mum or ask her to make decisions or give clear instructions before she had downed her coffee in the morning. Not a good idea. Not at all, believe me!! My daughter once said, that my cuppa in the morning could be the number 1 lifesaver for a lot of people. At least in our household. Honestly, I have no idea what she is talking about.
Behold! The dragon is awake!
But on a positive note, once I am awake, I am okay to talk to. I am not a morning grump, I simply need some time to totally wake up. Mainly because I do not sleep very well. Yeah, right, I can hear you, why does she not drink some of her own herbal infusions like Oidhche Mhath or Nite Nite to help her sleep then, eh? That is easy to explain. I do not have problems to fall asleep, that happens very fast. No, my problem is that I wake up several times during the night and that is really draining as you can imagine. It is a medical condition that causes that and unfortunately, my lovely herbal teas can’t help me personally.
Wake me up before I go go …
So it is kind of understandable, that very often in the morning it takes a bit of time for me to really wake up. And get my wakey-wakey-juice. And then continue to drink tea during the day. Unless I am in the shop, as we have this absolute fantastic espresso-machine and I love a good cappuccino.
Would you believe me that I am actually quite fussy when it comes to coffee? The worst thing to me is instant coffee, really, I do not like it at all. When looking for gourmet coffee I was looking for a small artisan roastery in Scotland that would be able to supply us. In our shop we are using the beans of the Inverness Roasting Co. in Inverness, a small artisan roastery with great products, I can vouch for that! For our coffees and cappuccinos and lattes, we are using their Highland Roast. A great coffee with a good and strong flavour, and one of our best-selling coffees in the shop.
And just today we got a new delivery in together with a few other coffees like the very strong Chef’s Roast and a fabulous coffee from Sumatra which I will put on the website later on.
I am really excited to try the new ones I had ordered. There are also two varieties which are said to be very strong. As I know that I have some customers who are looking for a really, really strong coffee, I hope that this will be just the right thing for them.
Blogging about coffee, tea and other things
Some of you might know that I am writing most of my things on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But then again, a lot of you do not use these social media platforms. So I have decided to take up blogging again to reach out to all of you lovely tea and coffee drinking people out there.