Covid 19 Update
This update is relevant to our brick and mortar shop in Stornoway.
The sad announcement from The Scottish Government that the Western Isles, too, has to move into Level 4 restrictions has made me decide that the Hebridean Tea Store with its premises on 22 Cromwell Street in Stornoway will not be open for ‘business as usual’ for at least the next couple of weeks, if not months.
Despite regulations allowing me to open I have reached the decision that I will only be open for online and ‘click & collect’ orders via our website.
I’m not here to preach to the reluctant but the amount of times I have to ask customers to please wear a mask and sanitise their hands has become somewhat tiresome. These are regulations that I am expected to follow by law and guidelines that I wish to follow through common sense.
My own mental health is suffering and I have other physical conditions which put me in the vulnerable camp so I hope everyone receiving this will understand my decision.
Please let me have your orders via the website and I will give you a collection slot time on either a Tuesday afternoon or Friday afternoon..
Many thanks